Raising The Bar On Government and Economics
“Two Forebrains walk into a bar. One turns to the other and says ‘this bar is way too low, someone should raise it.“
On The Front Lines
Third Option Shines Spotlight on Critical Race Theory
Organizations like the National Institute of Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) are now utilizing Critical Race Theory (CRT) to link transgenerational trauma—and the structural systems of oppression that cause it—to a myriad of measurable life-shortening health issues no longer attributable to debunked genetic claims of race. The significance of these …
Third Option Lobbies Government for Chance to Test New Democratic Theory
Beta Test will Show What Critical Race Theory Looks Like in Praxis: After nearly fifteen years of research, conceptual design and preliminary testing, The Third Option is ready to beta test its new democratic version of capitalism and is calling on the Federal Government to oversee the test, which will require a potential outlay of …
Pickleball v Tennis: The Perfect Metaphor for What Divides All of Us
Step One: Observe (Analyze) As reported in the OB Rag, a group of San Diego pickleball players ‘stormed’ the Peninsula Tennis Club and symbolically took it over for a while, effectively halting ‘business as usual’ until police arrived and persuaded them to leave without serious incident. According to the pickleball insurgents, their staged takeover was …
Tennis, Pickleball, and Other Civil War Stories
How two pickleball privateers turned an all-too-willing media into a megaphone for alternative facts, divisive rhetoric, trumped up charges, and dubious data in an attempt to leverage city and park officials to evict the 40-year tenants of a popular public park non-profit tennis facility. By Robert Simmons DIY Guide On How To Steal A Tennis …
Tennis and Pickleball: There Is More That Unites Us Than Divides Us
By Robert Simmons Preface This article was originally written for the San Diego Union-Tribune as a rebuttal to several articles it had published to promote the business plans of Stephan Boyland and Mike Shinzaki of www.pickleball-sd.com, two unemployed Pickleball pros looking to take over the popular Peninsula Tennis Club in San Diego, a non-profit public park tennis …
On The Front Lines: The Battle for a Democratic Version of Healthcare
The bloodiest battles in the war between Democracy and Capitalism are being fought to secure those needs most essential to human existence, and one of those is our healthcare. By Robert Simmons A democratic version of healthcare would ensure that each person receives equivalent access to whatever care maximizes their opportunity for life, liberty, and …
Loen Kelley: From True Crime to True Rehabilitation
Through her storytelling ability, Loen Kelley helped shape how television audiences viewed crime in America. Now she has created a platform for criminals to tell their side of the story. By Robert Simmons Prison Writers reminds me that I am human…Loen and her volunteers treat us convicts with kindness and respect. They encourage us to …
MTM Earth Lab Climate Action Park
Community School Addresses Inequality and Climate Action Through New Education Model By Robert Simmons As a climate action campus, MTM will seamlessly link indoor and outdoor experimental and experiential learning; it will also blend the five components of the STEAM curriculum into a more interdisciplinary format. Through this, MTM believes students will achieve a holistic …
News We Can Use

News We Can Use: Political Scientist Bruce Bueno De Mesquita on the State of the State
It is not power that corrupts but fear. Fear of losing power corrupts those who wield it and fear of the scourge of power corrupts those who are …

News We Can Use: Redefining the Role of the Central Bank
Extra thanks to Neil Irwin (now with Axios) for his comprehensive look into the role of Central Banking in the modern economy—The Alchemists—upon …

News We Can Use: Top 6 Takeaways from Paul Krugman
Nobel Prize-winning Economist / author / columnist Paul Krugman still believes Democracy and Capitalism can co-exist. by Robert Simmons Universal …

News We Can Use: Top Takeaways from Andrew Yang
The Third Option likes Andrew Yang’s calm Certainty, simple Inclusive rhetoric, and Fair Sustainable solutions—plus he knows Dave Chappelle. All …
Forebrain Lounge
Social Science Engineering
Toward a Unified Theory of Human Economics
Calling All Economists: a union of concerned social scientists is not enough anymore; time to form a New Economic Justice …
Toward a Unified Theory of Justice in America
This article is part of a series of social science inquiries attempting to prove that socio-economic operating systems would …
Our Bad and breaking infrastructure, and what to do about it
Consume This
The Fourth Level of Mastery
Our Ignorance is not who we are; it’s what keeps us from being who we are. The battle for the planet of the apes has begun. …
The ABC’s of Property Rights
By the 16th century philosophers began conjecturing whether private property was a natural right. Meanwhile Oppressors …
The Language of Violence
It’s the language everyone speaks, but no one speaks about; until we listen to It, however, It will continue trying to make …
Lobbying 101: How To Win Money and Influence Government
Meet the door to (revolving) door salesmen of the private sector, with their unique access to the so-called ‘public …
Incarceration Nation
Witness America’s version of Ethnic Cleansing and Economic Genocide: the U.S. Prison System. How our ‘Tough on Crime’ …
Immigration Nation
No manmade law can restrict the flow of people simply by calling them ‘illegal’, at least not until we find a way to make …
A ‘Cursed’ People: the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Thanks to Patrice Lumumba, for six days in the summer of 1960, the Congolese people felt what it was like to be free. In …
Fame: The Quintessential Pathology of Our Current American Dream
The Fire This Time: Self-worship, cannibalism and ritualistic human sacrifice in the Age of Consumerism. By Robert Simmons …
Theory Of Everything: What Science Can Teach Government
How does science reconcile two irreconcilable viewpoints? Create a Third Option. The Theory of Everything successfully merges …
The Unbearable Whiteness of Being; Racism in the USA
Oppression is genetic. The Third Option has a treatment plan to downgrade Oppression to a chronic but manageable condition. …
Are Corporate Tax Incentives Worth It? Amazon and The New Feudalism
Whether it swings right or left, U.S. Government has long since relinquished “Command” of our Economy to a Market system, of …
Human Capital

Ellen Brown Public Bank Solution and How We Could All Be Public Bank Shareholders
Ellen Brown is looking to expand Public Banking in the U.S., and has written three convincing books …

Eugene Chen’s Infinitely Recyclable Plastic
“The current…generation and disposal of synthetic polymers are largely unsustainable. As part of the …

Otto Scharmer, and Getting to the Bottom of Theory U
Otto Scharmer’s ‘U’ represents a deep dive below our disruptive surface, where presencing can see …

Michael Sandel
Michael Sandel’s job is to explain justice, democracy, and ethics to the rest of us. Current …

Sir Paul Collier
Sir Paul Collier is the champion of the bottom billion, using pragmatism and evidence-based …

Dr. Elisabeth Rosenthal on America’s Ailing Healthcare
Elizabeth Rosenthal shows us the serious side effects that occur when mixing profit-seeking with …
Book Reviews
Consumable Goods
An Educational Paradigm for the Second Age of Enlightenment
Everybody has a cure for Public Education; it’s difficult to know who is right. What if we changed our Educational Paradigm …
It’s Time to Replace American Healthcare
This is not an article detailing any of the one thousand failings of the Private Healthcare system. This is an …
You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.
Richard Buckminster Fuller
What has destroyed every previous civilization has been the tendency to the unequal distribution of wealth and power.
Henry George